Stephen N. Haskell (1833–1922) was an evangelist, missionary and writer in the early days of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
This classic on the book of Revelation contains the following chapters:
1. The Seer of Patmos 2. The Author of the Revelation 3. The Message to the Churches. Ephesus 4. The Message to the Churches. — Continued 5. A Glimpse of Heaven 6. Who Is Worthy to Open the Book? 7. History in the Seals 8. The Sealing Work 9. The Trumpets 10. The Beginning of Woes 11. The Voice of a Mighty Angel 12. The Third Woe 13. The Great Controversy 14. The Beast From the Sea and the Beast From the Earth 15. The Three Angel’s Messages 16. Preparation for the Plagues 17. The Seven Last Plagues 18. Babylon, the Great Mystery 19. Be Ye Separate 20. The Two Suppers 21. The Judgment of the Wicked 22. The Glories of the New Jerusalem 23. The New Earth 24. The Sanctuary and Its Service