This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things: (Parenting. Marriage. Madness)
Clint Edwards has no idea what he's doing raising the son and two daughters he has with his loving and ever patient wife, Mel. The truth, of course, is that no parent knows what he or she is doing--not even Mel--and that's part of the fun as well as the horror. The short chapters either recount specific stories from the front lines ("The Day We Caught Our Kids Looking At Their Butt Holes," "She Sent Me to the Store for Feminine Hygiene Products") or take the form of lists--numbered observations, warnings, or words of wisdom ("5 things I Never Should Have Said To My Pregnant Wife," "10 Contradictions That Make Me Want to Run From My Minivan And Into The Woods"). Edwards is invariably funny, wry, and self-deprecating. Parenting and marriage, as he describes them, are humbling, in both the worst (lots of poop and vomit) and best (personal growth) ways. If you are a parent, husband, wife, or thinking about any of these roles, this book is for you. It will make you laugh. It will make you think. It will make you cry. Sometimes all three at the same time.