It is a well-known fact that athletes are prone to injuries worse still, recurring injuries. Many competitive athletes suffer from what is known as overuse syndrome . Sportspersons who perform repetitive movements often end up with tight, overused muscles that become vulnerable to pulls and sprains, and underused muscles that progressively get weaker. It is this classic syndrome that countless athletes experience at various points in their careers. In a life spanning over eight decades, Yogacharya BKS Iyengar has taught several sportspersons, right from Professor DB Deodhar, the grand old man of Indian cricket, to the willow-and-wicket genius, Sachin Tendulkar, the finer points of yoga. Yoga For Sports shows how yoga can train the mind and body and help sportspeople become more agile, stronger and focused. Yoga is based on the principle of integrating the body as a whole and shifts the emphasis to the quality of the movement. With precise discussion on the human anatomy and detailed techniques for performing over 100 asanas and pranayama; with asana modifications, props and specific sequences for varying body and mind conditions, this book views a sportsperson s well-being from a holistic point of view. Anyone, from any walk of life can dip into this book and find something of value that they can use to enhance and enrich the quality of their health and well-being.