Anger and lust are the two aides of Satan; and every religion has regarded these two as the most powerful with which the sincere seeker after truth has to contend. Having dealt with the two together in his play “PASSION AND ANGER.†Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj now gives us this precious manual of practical methods to wage war against this dire enemy of man.
Those who know Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, know that he is the best authority on the subject of the conquest of anger: he has never known to lose his temper, even in circumstances in which even the great might have lost theirs! Swami Sivananda insists that the adoption of positive methods of soul-education would be more effective than punitive forms of reformation and transformation. This he has demonstrated time and again in his attitude towards his own disciples at the Ashram.
With his natural and extraordinary flair for practice, Sri Swamiji Maharaj has given in this wonderful booklet, highly practical methods for the control of anger: and it is hoped that every spiritual aspirant would make a thorough study of it and practice the precepts of the sage, so that, thus established in ethical perfection, the Sadhaka would soon become a Siddha.