We have great pleasure in presenting the public with this enlarged edition of the booklet "Conquest of Fear". Its former edition was too concise and inadequate. Hence, the obvious necessity of a more elaborate and detailed treatment of the subject was felt. The present work fulfills that need successfully and in an intensive, and more appreciable form.
The book has been divided into two sections: All about Fear and The Methods to Eradicate Fear. In the first section of the book an elaborate description of the various aspects of fear has been given. It deals with the various causes of fear, its subtle manifestations and workings in different kinds of persons of different temperaments under different circumstances, its after-effects and subconscious impressions etc. The second section deals with the various methods for eradicating fear: the Pratipakshabhavaha or the auto-suggestion method of the Raja Yogin, the practice of feeling the presence of God, devotion to God and meditation on the fearless Atman—all of which help to conquer fear.
We are sure that this booklet will be a great help to one and all in enabling them to get over fear-complex and develop the essential virtue—Courage.