God created man because He desires glorified sons in His image and likeness. The apostle John declares, "Beloved, NOW we are children of God, and it has not yet appeared what we WILL BE." John goes on to say that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him. We will be like unto the Lord of glory.
The apostle Paul similarly testifies that these present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory to be revealed "in us." A glorious future awaits the overcoming children of God in the ages to come.
God’s plan for you and I is so enormous, so glorious, and so staggering that many who will read about it will doubt whether these things can be so. Some coming to realize the truth will wonder how they could have ever missed seeing the truth of their calling, for the message is abundantly manifest throughout the word of God. Yet even in discerning the truth, many will stagger at the great faith required to walk in the knowledge of the truth.
This book explores what the Bible has to say about the glorious future of the sons of God.