A SHORT STORY. Four high school students find themselves enmeshed in a puzzling time warp. Feeling like unpaid extras in a cheesy sci-fi film, they struggle to understand the meaning of their dilemma. Every day at four o'clock sharp, they exit a local cafe, stepping onto the street to confront an out of control city bus destined to grind them into the pavement, if not for the time warp.
A tech savvy junior Einstein named Mark uses his resources and wit to keep his friends from freaking out while he compiles a reasonable theory concerning their time looping dilemma. Searching his Online data base and contacts for clues, Mark develops a daunting theory. If what he believes is true, it's possible the city bus will prevail in the end, leaving all four students toe-tagged on a morgue slab.
Science and metaphysics combine to propose an to answer the question: What happens when two dimensions collide?