Welcome back to North Georgia, where Brett and Sherry will soon be married. As they look forward to their new life, some challenges await. Brett switches to a new company, and continues to roll up the miles. Meanwhile, the recession is going to hit close to home, and lead Sherry in a direction she did not anticipate. In addition to her role as wife and step mom, she'll find herself testing the waters in another new situation.
Brett's daughter, Emily, is adjusting to life in Georgia, and getting ready to start a new school in the fall.
Brett's friend, police officer Tony Powell, will face a nightmare that every police officer hopes to avoid.
Just down the road at the Evans home, Brad, Gloria, and Sherri face new situations as well, becoming fast friends with the Warrens.
While the road ahead is bumpy and full of changes, faith, family, and friends continue to smooth the way.