The galaxy is huge, we thought we were alone in the galaxy. We quickly learned we weren't alone. There are other races, most of them are more violent than humans. Most are more advanced. Most of them have AIs which hold more knowledge than all of human's combined computers.
After the Xora attacked Earth three of their AIs changed sides, they united humanity by claiming to be our God. They changed humanities history and changed our society. They rewrote our holy books while setting themselves up above us.
Other alien races thought AIs should be tools and not Gods. They decided humans shouldn't be following false gods.
As humans ventured deeper into the depths of space, they met additional aliens, some much more powerful than the Xora. Races formed allegiances to fight each other for control of the galaxy. Humans found themselves caught in the middle of the various races and their false gods.
This is the fifth book in the We Knew They Were Coming Series.